Wisconsin Senate Approves Amended Child Tax credit, Sales Tax Holiday Bill

The Wisconsin Senate on Tuesday approved a plan to give parents $100 for each child they have, along with a one-weekend sales tax holiday for certain purchases.

The bill tightens the scope of the sales tax holiday as passed by the state Assembly last month, reducing the estimated cost from $50 million to $12 million. The Assembly will have to approve the Senate’s changes in order for the bill to make it to Gov. Scott Walker’s desk.

Families with children living at home who were under age 18 at the end of 2017 could receive the child tax credit. There are no income qualifications for the credit, which is estimated to cost the state $122 million. The bill allows anyone who does not want the credit to opt out and instead donate the money to a charity or back to the state.

Under the Senate version of the bill, the state’s sales tax would be waived during the first weekend of August on clothing purchases under $75, computer purchases under $750, computer supplies under $250 and school supplies under $75.