State Senate to Vote on Civil-Litigation Bill

The Wisconsin Senate will be taking up a bill that would make a number of changes to the state’s civil-litigation rules.

Assembly Bill 733 would modify the state’s construction statute of repose, which contractors commonly invoke as a defense in certain personal-injury lawsuits. The statute prevents injured plaintiffs from suing over negligent design for an injury that occurred more than 10 years after a project was substantially completed. A provision in AB 773 would shrink that window down to 7 years.

Under the bill, insurers would see a decrease from 12 percent to 7.5 percent in the interest rate they must pay on overdue claims.

The bill would also make changes to the state’s rules involving discovery.  That process can be burdensome and expensive for defendants, and the bill’s proponents say the changes could reduce legal costs for Wisconsin businesses.

The Senate will be taking up the bill at a floor session on Tuesday.